“surgery without audit is like playing cricket without keeping score”
Audit is paramount to a successful medical practice. A successful audit can:
- Ensure best practice is being implemented by identifying the clinical prognosis for your patients with your skills
- Inform your own patients what the probability of good and adverse outcomes is likely to be based on audit results
- Boost practice morale by identifying practice strengths
- Help identify areas for improvement in providing clinical care
We can provide a balanced and objective assessment of your practice in order to have clear and concise information to make informed decisions. The audit is tailored to your needs. You decide which outcomes you would like to investigate. All data collected is confidential.
Our audit services
Patient outcomes audit
Assess treatment-related health outcomes per surgical procedure.
Clinical practice audit
Discover how you can make your practice more consumer-friendly.
Patient satisfaction audit
Learn how well you perform from the patient's perspective.
The audit cycle includes:
- Pre-audit preparation – predetermined criteria unique to your audit goals
- Practice visit – establish effective protocols for data collection within your practice
- Audit report – highlighting key practice strengths and weaknesses to optimise performance
For more information please contact the Audit Team at Gold Standard on audit@goldstandard.com.au